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Showing posts with the label professional indemnity insurance cost

How Much Professional Indemnity Insurance Costs?

Any person offering professional services to clients should have professional indemnity insurance. You never know which of your client can sue you for negligence or other reasons. The insurance would cover your cost of pursuing legal course against the claim, as well as any settlement amount that you’re liable to pay. In fact, it is very popular business insurance for small business that licensed brokers highly recommend. In the process, when considering and doing research, many people inevitably end up with a rather common question: How much professional indemnity insurance cost? Unsurprisingly, the answer isn’t definite; it isn’t binary. There are many factors that influence the cost of any type of business insurance and it is after considering these factors can one have a fair idea of the final cost. Among others, an important thing to consider is what kind of coverage you’re looking for. The more the coverage, the more the premium. Now, figuring out this coverage amount has its ow