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Showing posts from February, 2021

3 Tips For Managers To Boost Employee Retention In 2021

Hiring new employees is a costly affair. You have to onboard someone new, train them, accommodate them in the work culture and then, in the subsequent months – provided everything went well – the new employees start performing at peak.  It takes a lot of time for a new team member to match the performance of an employee who has been in the company for a long time. This translates into financial leakages for the organization. This is why it’s always a better idea to focus on and ensure higher employee retention. It’s cost-effective, it’s financially beneficial and, most importantly, the old employees shape a culture that enables growth and prosperity for the organization. But, of course, retaining employees is easier said than done. Here are three simple tips though that will help boost your employee retention: 1. Offer remote working option  We’re in 2021. On the backdrop of a pandemic, a large section of the corporate world is working from home. Even when we get back to the ‘...