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Showing posts from November, 2020

Buying Your First Business Insurance: What To Know

Depending on the kind of business you run, just one insurance policy might not be sufficient to cover all the risks you’re exposed to. And this is perhaps the first thing you should know. After establishing your risks and needs, you should invest in other business insurance as well to ensure maximum protection to your business and relevant stakeholders. But the types of business insurance you should buy is a different conversation altogether. At present, you have decided to buy the first insurance – and that’s great news. Whether you’re seeking coverage for general liability property damage or damage arising due to errors and omissions – irrespective of that, there are a few things you should have a clear picture of before buying any business insurance for the first time. Under-estimating the requirement is a common mistake many business owners make. It leads them to insure a rather small coverage that falls short in providing them with the right financial cushion against legal claims...

How Much Professional Indemnity Insurance Costs?

Any person offering professional services to clients should have professional indemnity insurance. You never know which of your client can sue you for negligence or other reasons. The insurance would cover your cost of pursuing legal course against the claim, as well as any settlement amount that you’re liable to pay. In fact, it is very popular business insurance for small business that licensed brokers highly recommend. In the process, when considering and doing research, many people inevitably end up with a rather common question: How much professional indemnity insurance cost? Unsurprisingly, the answer isn’t definite; it isn’t binary. There are many factors that influence the cost of any type of business insurance and it is after considering these factors can one have a fair idea of the final cost. Among others, an important thing to consider is what kind of coverage you’re looking for. The more the coverage, the more the premium. Now, figuring out this coverage amount has its ow...

3 Essentials To Raise Funds For Your Business

With the startup culture at its prime, everyone wants to raise money for their business or business ideas and build a flourishing company. That’s a good thing, as well as bad. More entrepreneurs are certainly good news for innovation, consumers, and the economy. The bad news is more competition, which makes raising funds more challenging. So, if you’re looking to raise funds for your business or business idea, while that’s a kudos moment for you, it’s going to be challenging. Here are three essentials to raise funds for your business: A scalable business idea and model - This might seem like a no-brainer but it’s the most fundamental part of the process that ought to have all the attention. If you don’t have a solid business idea and model that’s scalable, nobody would want to invest in that. Investors, above all, look for sustainable returns; returns that add to their portfolio and boost their net worth. So, just having any idea won’t cut it for you. You need to have a proper plan an...

4 Questions To Ask Before Buying Errors And Omissions Insurance

If your client doesn’t like your service or advice, they may choose to sue you. So, “whether I need errors and omissions liability insurance or not” is not the right question. Everyone from marketer to an interior designer, web developer to accountants, and doctors to lawyers – they all should ideally have errors and omissions insurance coverage. If you offer professional services or advice, you should opt for the said policy as well. So, it’s not the matter of whether you need it or not; that’s the wrong question. Here are 4 right questions that you should ask instead before buying your errors and omissions liability insurance policy: 1. Which is the right insurance broker I can trust? This isn’t particularly a DIY thing. There’s a lot you need to know and understand before you buy any insurance – and there’s only so much online articles and videos can tell you. You need the right experts by your side who can assist you in the decision-making, including with establishing your risks a...

Why Directors And Officers In Companies Are Sued?

Running a business is not easy. You’re constantly exposed to risks of getting sued. And sometimes the legal liabilities can threat the directors and officers at the company as well. To shield such lawsuits, which might come not just from the customers but also other stakeholders like employees, directors & officers liability policy is a must-have. So, if you have a board of directors and officers, you should ideally have D&O insurance policy . If not, here are some of the common reasons they might get sued for: Discrimination at the workplace - It’s not uncommon for employees to level allegations against employers for discrimination. They may sue the directors and officers for that. D&O insurance policy can take off the burden of pursuing the legal course there. Poor product or service - It’s not possible to woo ever customer with your product. There would always be a few of them who may have complaints against your offerings. Some of them may decide to sue the directors...